Because of ignorance of the specificity of the diagnosis of diseases of the spine begins to self-treatment (poultices, creams, compresses), but often in vain, only a doctor can determine the cause and prescribe treatment. Why back pain under shoulder blades?

What could be the pain?
The blade is located near the clavicle and humerus, localizes behind the back. Basically, it is connected to the bone, which is triangular in shape, that it is attached to the muscles responsible for movement in the shoulder area. Ribs and shoulder – is the trunk the muscles of the entire back, pain under shoulder blades is incorrect, you should immediately to diagnose the underlying cause and start treatment.
Types of pain according to the shoulder blades can be divided into several subgroups:
- Location of the pain (which one of the blades; in the middle; give pain in the chest or between the ribs; localized over or under the shoulder blade);
- The nature of sensations (pulling, burning, sharp, cramping, throbbing, anna, marina, bottled, etc.);
- The duration of pain symptoms (occurs with a frequency that begins abruptly, how long the attack increase or decrease the pain).
Accurate diagnosis and identify the cause the doctor should ask the details and understand what could be the factor that causes pain (eg. spinal cord injury), and treat the patient.
The cause of the pain
Why back pain blades? The main reasons are rooted in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the spine, the lungs and the heart. An important factor is the psychological state of the patient, and injury.
As a rule, if the patient adheres to sharp pain, then the cause is acute inflammation, tissue or muscle (eg. in the autumn). If the pain symptoms nagging and not very strong, so the cause of pain lie in chronic diseases of the patient. The blunt nature of pain symptoms often partner a heart attack or problems with the bladder.
Reasons due to which back pain according to the shoulder blades associated with abnormalities of the spine occupy a leading position among other factors. Because the spine will hold the entire weight of the human body, thanks to him a man walks upright, not on all fours like animals.
Again, if the muscles are loosened, the person moves a little, the problem starts with the spine.
If the muscles of the back and chest corset atrophy, and the person moves slightly, the spine loses its role in maintaining the body and it is accompanied by pain. The vertebrae put pressure on the discs between them, not letting the core-plates with the liquid. The plates began to sink, bulges, gaps appear. It causes unnecessary irritation of the nerve roots, the spine loses its elasticity and develops lower back pain. The body's own discretion to strengthen the spine, strengthening his bone tumors.
The spine loses mobility and pains in the back under the shoulder blade on the right and on the left side. - The pains are localized on the side where the pinched nerves.
Osteochondrosis of the neck began to pain in the neck, an area of insufficient blood supply to the numb, the pain starts back below the shoulder blades. Often the pain is localized on the left side. Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine began to pain in the back below the shoulder blades. Perceived pain in the sternum. The patient complains of feeling heaviness in the chest, when breathing. The pain caused from osteochondrosis of the thoracic, is often given to heart.
Back pain causes and other reasons, it is often the osteochondrosis of a lumbar. It identifies the impact of pain in the leg like an electric shock, the discomfort of the progression of osteoarthritis has been moved under the left shoulder blade. And long causes of the body without changing position, most when the patient is sitting covered to the waist with a belt of pain. The cause of the pain under the shoulder blade, is associated with abnormalities of the spine, are recognized as the medical complaints of increasing pain symptoms movement.
Diseases of internal organs
Often, the pain caused by heart disease. To ache under the shoulder blade can myocardial infarction, and his companion, and pressing the sense of the area of the heart. If the pain persists during exercise or exercise and deep breathing, the patient should be hospitalized immediately to the hospital. Another striking symptom of the pain associated with myocardial infarction serve pain under left shoulder blade radiating to neck, jaw, left half or left hand.
Cause pain in the back below the shoulder blades lies in problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Firstly, it is stomach ulcer.
With the progression of the disease the mucous membrane of the body is exposed to destroy the acid, resulting in nerve irritation of the diaphragm and start the pain attacks under the shoulder blade. They are of a periodic nature, adding after a meal or when fasting. The pain goes away after vomiting attack, and applying warm compresses. The patient is not sick and throw up, when you reach the peak of pain.
Another striking symptom is belching, severe heartburn. The pain from the blade, began to give the area of the heart. Total destruction walls of the stomach, the patient complains when the pain in the shoulder or clavicle, sweating, pale. Often cause pain in the back caused by problems with the lungs, for example, disease of the lungs. If you happen to the right lung, localized pain under the right shoulder blade. The patient coughs, the lungs wheezing, shortness of breath.
Psychological problems the man may also cause pain below the shoulder blade. When people experience chronic stress, tension is transmitted to the muscles of the back and the patient becomes difficult to stand for a long time, or that eye sore of pain. Often, these reasons are chasing people with a sedentary lifestyle, high stress and aggressiveness (managers, agents, sales consultants, administrators).
Can cause pain and injury to the bone due to a fall or a blow. Often the cause is damage to the blades, because of the elbow, or descending straight stem. The pain symptoms are manifested in the movements of the hands, and the area of the blade red and swollen. There is and inflammation of the synovial bags, then the movement of the blade you hear the crunch, and the patient's experience in this field, pregnancy and pain.
Another factor, which precedes the pain – osteomyelitis. It is manifested by purulent inflammation of tissues, pain, intoxication. The event of injury or stab. Less likely to cause pain become cancerous tumors in this region, affects the tissue around the scapula.
Because of the factors of premenstrual syndrome pain, a lot of diagnostics to identify the cause of the pathology of a complex procedure. The diagnosis is complex, using several methods. In the first phase, the doctor listens carefully to the patient the presence of complaints and prepare it for classification. Second stage: palpation of the painful region of the spine, orthopedic testing to identify the symptoms.
If the doctor is ready to make a diagnosis, then directed the patient to the doctor, the more narrow profile (cardiologist, oncologist, orthopedic).
Depending on the factors to produce x-ray of the chest or spine, MRI, the ECG is removed, the heart is examined with ultrasound. If the factors causing pain, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient is instructed through fibrogastroduodenoscopy. If there was pathology of the respiratory system, doctors perform a bronchoscopy. In addition, the patient is treated to a series of tests: urine, feces, blood, etc.

If the patient seeks a sharp pain that is impossible to endure, the medical staff focuses on the pain symptoms. The patient was prescribed medication, which relieves inflammation and relieves pain in the form of injections, creams, tablets.
The main task of the doctor to cure the cause that caused the disease, not the consequence. The treatment is prescribed by a specialist, after all the tests and analyses. Remember that the pain prolonged, regardless of the location and nature does not disappear, it is treated before it is complicated by inflammation.
If the reason are diseases of the musculoskeletal device, which is intended for the treatment used during the massage or manual therapy complementary electrophoresis. In exceptional cases, in patients, a surgical procedure, during which anti-inflammatory medications or antibiotics.
If back pain muscle inflammation or problems with low tone back, it is enough to do the exercises at home to warm up the muscles ointments, tinctures grind. Other problems and the illness is treated only by a doctor who recommends treatment in accordance with the root cause of the disease. Do not neglect the advice of the doctor at any time of back pain, because they can be as a result of chronic or acute diseases, which should be treated immediately.